Your yes is your no

Being down and out of commission for two weeks was a blessing in that it reminded me of a very important value of this very company to make space to rest + play. Just the other day, in scrolling through Instagram and being enticed by the ads along the way, I ended up downloading a game called Block Blast.

In Block Blast, you drag and drop blocks of different shapes and sizes to form rows and columns. The objective of the game is to clear the rows and columns through making these lines and combinations. Think Tetris in a more confined space. Rather than being constrained by time and your shape formations hitting the ceiling, you have limited space and so if your block shape does not fit in the limited space you have, it’s game over and you can start with a fresh new game.

Truth be told, I was initially pretty hard on myself for “wasting” several hours playing this game after I had just written out a long list of to-dos to be done before the end of the weekend. And then the Lord ministered this message over me to share with you too.

The Holy Spirit gave me this message for anyone feeling blocked from their blessings.

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reclaiming abundance
Why the stillness can be maddening

That’s stress for you. When your mind is in overdrive, your body will have a difficult time relaxing even when you’re tired, drained, exhausted. AND, if you’ve experienced traumatic episodes and/or environments, your nervous system is likely dysregulated and has a heightened capacity for dealing with unhealthy stress.

Despite my mind’s stubborn insistence to “power through” by plunking away at my keyboard or hammering away at a big project, I have found time and time again that taking this course of action does not always yield more productivity.

The reality is that there is productivity in movement and in rest.

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reclaiming abundance
Making Space to Make Waves: Tapping Into Your Abundance

How to stop getting in your own way and start living with fullness.

As cities begin to come sprawling back to life, you may feel yourself peaking out of your cave for the first time in over a year. And after so much time at home, you may feel at a crossroads. What’s next? What do I want to do? Who do I want to be? Where do I want to go? This past season has given us an overwhelming period of time to sit in stillness, reflect, and just be with ourselves in a way most of us probably hadn’t before.

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reclaiming abundance