an immersive experience for transformational wellness

This wellness coaching program is currently in development.

++ reclaiming your peace + balance ++

Breath to Life (BtL) will be an immersive, transformational wellness coaching program that is online and at-your-own pace.

The program will establish greater sustainability + balance by exploring the subtleties between being v. doing to create a reality where you can transition from states of productivity and peacefulness with ease.

Where the hectic, chaotic fast lane can become steady, intentional, and aligned. Where the slow, dreary slow lane can become renewed in a sense of purpose and filled with a renewed capacity to dream, play, and create.

By creating margin for space and stillness, we will work together to facilitate deeper connections to the people and projects most meaningful to you.

We are diligently combining thousands of hours of research, trainings, and studies to blend together disciplines + modalities including: yoga, theology, nutrition, somatics, and cognitive behaviorial therapy.

We know that wellness transcends the physical.

Genesis 2:7 “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”


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