fasting + flourishing in faith
Today marks DAY 11 of my 21 day Daniel’s fast. The Daniel fast is essentially a vegan, gluten free diet inspired by Daniel 10:2-3:
“At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.”
At the time, Daniel fasted to focus his attention on God and to receive revelation from Him. He believed that fasting would allow him to discern for God’s will and allow for the conditions to be guided by Him.
You can fast for many reasons. In essence, the act of fasting is a process of lowering yourself in devotion to God in such a way that you embody a heart posture that longs for greater intimacy with the Lord. By His hands, I continue to be in awe of how He works to also bring everything else in my circumstances to stillness in the times that I need it most. This season, fasting came at a time where my desire to trailblaze forward was met with my fundamental need to reflect and be with Him more deeply. I believe He cleared my calendar to open my heart to cultivate the atmosphere that I would be able to hear Him with clarity.
In addition to the spiritual benefits, there are also many detoxifying physical benefits too. The fast allows for grains, fruits + vegetables, and other plant based foods. Drinks are primarily limited to water and you are restricted from caffeines like coffee + tea. By monitoring everything that is going inside of me, I have become heightened in awareness of what is coming out of me. Because I have a more limited energy supply, I am more conscious of how to productively apply what is available. By eliminating the excess, you have the opportunity to be pure with exactly what is in front of you and in doing so, you can encourage a deeper growth and transformation in Christ.
In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV), we are asked:
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
This verse is an encouragement to us to treat ourselves with kindness, compassion, purity -- and to live a life that will glorify God. The Spirit dwells within to be a source of comfort, guidance, and help. Written by the Apostle Paul, this Book encourages us to identify gospel-driven solutions to problems and situations we encounter.
The temple is a place of worship, cleanliness, and purity that we have access to within after the New Covenant. Upon accepting Jesus into our lives, we are cleansed of our sins and live a God-filled life. This is when the Holy Spirit comes into us.
Fasting allows us to give him the start of our year and focus. In a season filled with traditions of writing new goals and resolutions for the new year, I’m choosing to lay down my plans for the rest of this year and everything after that at His feet. In submitting my hopes, dreams, and heart desires all to Him, I’m finding His merciful grace. By His supply, there is always victory.
Philippians 4:11-13 reads:
“...For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty, I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
As the start of January 2023 comes to a peak, I’ve chosen to let go of my concerns for what did not come to pass last year and release my anxieties over what is not yet to be. In reflecting on new goals, I am reinforcing my faith in believing in His vision over my life in understanding that wherever He calls me to be is where I choose to submit my life. I know that where my life is aligned with Him, I will always have more than enough. Fasting clarifies His omnipresent nature in our lives and reinstills the trust that He will always divinely take steps towards the direction He always intended for us.
Allowing stillness in this way enables for pureness in being. A state in which you can be fiercely present thanks to Him. Faith in His will over our own asks for mindful presence in assurance that there is something valuable to be experienced with each and every moment. In presence, I find that when you disrupt the rush, you allow margin to allow you to catch up and check in with you. I believe it’s your body’s way of asking you to be the marathon runner over the sprinter and your Spirit’s way of encouraging prayer, forgiveness, and praise.
How to settle into stillness: a practice for your fasting journey.
Come to a seated meditation. Close your eyes and breathe. Inhale in and out with 7 second intervals. Inhale through the nose for 7 seconds. Hold for 7 seconds. Exhale through the mouth for 7 seconds.
Mindfully scan your body. Notice where there is tensing, gripping, clenching, and tightness. What are you holding onto? Are there people, outcomes, and situations that are pulling you outside of your comfort zone present?
Let go and allow love to flow in. In mind and Spirit, draw focused energy and attention to those areas experiencing tension. Breathe into those spaces fully. Practice loving kindness and speak affirmations over those areas.
Set positive intentions that are faith affirming. Think about how you can make this experience felt for your loved ones to experience. How can you set the conditions for the intentions you are looking to communicate?
Take this practice off of the mat and into the world. By practicing Christlike love more frequently, you share more of His heart with all those around you.
By releasing control, spiritually I find my cup empty and ready to be filled with His goodness. Physically, I am cleansed and renewed. Emotionally, I am alive in joy + gratitude. Mentally, I am focused and disciplined in devotion. And in community, I am a being of His love and ready to share in His love.
If you’re ready to get clear + flourish, you can schedule a 1:1 complimentary consultation here.
Kim Yamasaki is a Christian wellness coach who supports her clients in cultivating space + stillness in the mind, body, and Spirit through collaborative processes of co-creation. She provides services that create space _ stillness for deeper connection: spiritual wellness coaching for burnout, home organizing, and yoga. Her methods are affirming, grounding, and nurturing – all interlaced with playful creativity. She is a native Angeleno with Japanese and Chinese roots.
This article was originally published for the “selah space” newsletter, reclaiming abundance’s care package for go-getters. “Selah space” offers content to support readers looking to break the cycle of stress + burnout by living, loving, and learning deeply to be their most calm, confident, and complete selves. In the Bible, selah means “to pause or to reflect.” It appears most heavily in the Book of Psalms and Habakkuk as musical notations at the end of verses to draw attention back to what was previously expressed.