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We spread tenderness and flexibility through compassionate thoughts, words, and actions.

Here’s how we practice this value:

  • We recognize that spiritual warfare is cause to be attentive and responsive to greater systems of oppression and forces that attack our self confidence and worthiness. We see cycles of comparison, competition, and compensation as indicative side effects. 

  • We actively look to integrate and promote progression over perfection in our lifestyle. As living and breathing organisms, we understand that the conditions of our lives are always shifting and ever evolving. We commit to being our best self in the moment and find peace and joy in the assurance that we find growth in the moments that might not have measured up. 

  • We meet ourselves and others with compassion-filled recognition that we have been preconditioned to accept false narratives about ourselves as our own. We cultivate a culture of non-judgment, radical honesty, and fierce belonging and acceptance. 

  • We extend grace freely and forgive frequently. When we give grace, we surrender from a place of faith and allow ourselves to receive fully. We release and refrain from holding onto offense and harboring resentment.

  • We openly accept that it is by grace, not works, that we find acceptance, belonging, and worthiness as perfectly imperfect children of God.