november - “gratitude”
A yoga + mindfulness pop up to reclaim your balance
The REFUGE pop up series includes a yin-restorative yoga flow + mindfulness activity in order to create space + stillness in the mind and body. By incorporating a blend of movement + mindfulness, we re-nourish our fundamental need for calm, rest, and relaxation.
Just after the Thanksgiving holiday, this session’s theme is “gratitude” with the intention of pouring back into your cup. The “gratitude” yoga flow will include heart opening + gentle inversions to encourage a spirit of thankfulness in the body. This will be followed by gratitude journaling to reflect on the life’s goodness, 2023 victories, and an appreciation for the present that surrounds us.
Why Yoga?
Yoga is a practice from India that was created over 5,000 years ago.
Yoga means to “yoke” and encourages us to bring mind, body, and soul in unison.
By learning to listen to the needs of our body, our yoga practice gives us a space to dive heart first instead of head first-- placing love and compassion over our ego.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the act of becoming aware of thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations with objectivity. Mindfulness activities give us the opportunity to participate in the moment-by-moment process of tuning into our experiences with the 5 dimensions of wellness (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and social). By observing these experiences openly and without judgment, scientific studies have shown that you are able to reduce stress, improve attention, boost the immune system, balance emotions, and contribute to our overall wellness.